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- The MVP's of From Goat to Soap -
Our Herd of Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Our favorite milk makers
The most important part of From Goat to Soap bar soap is our herd of Nigerian dwarf goats. We live on 1.25 acres so care and management of these animals are our number one priority. Without healthy and happy goats we don't get the primary ingredient, all natural raw goat's milk. Did you know Nigerian dwarf goats have the highest butterfat percentage of all dairy goats? This is one of the many factors that we believe contribute to a truly nursing bar of goat's milk soap.
We also are members of the American Dairy Goat Association. We believe that if we are breeding these beautiful animals we should be breeding the best of the best. We show the goats during the summer and participate in a variety of their performance programs, including Linear Appraisal and Milk Testing. Our girls come from the best of the best around the country!

Nigerian Dwarf Goats
We use Nigerian dwarf goat milk for our all natural soap bars. We keep a small herd of Nigerian dwarf goats and are always striving to improve the breed. We strive to produce the perfect goat that not only has excellent milk production but conforms well to the breed standard. Our entire herd is registered with the American Dairy Goat Association.

More Information on our Goats
Goats for Sale
We occasionally have goats for sale. We typically breed our does for January-March kidding dates. We do not keep a reservation list. If you are interested in goat kids from us, please follow our Facebook page for up to date information on who is for sale and what is available.
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